Asafoetida is commonly spice in Indian recipes. Learn more about what asafoetida tastes like, why this spice is used in recipes, where to buy it, and the different types of asafoetida. Find out the answers to all of your burning asafoetida questions in the FAQ section below, or by following the link.
Frequently asked questions on uses and benefits of asafoetida >
What is asafoetida?
Asafoetida is an aromatic or a spice made from the gum resin that comes from the root of the ferula asafoetida plant.
When should I use asafoetida?
Asafoetida is good for digestion. It can also be used as a garlic and onion replacement for those who follow a FODMAP diet. In traditional Indian recipes, asafoetida contributes a very distinct taste and so it’s recommended to use the spice, and not its garlic and onion alternative, when the spice is called for.
What does asafoetida taste like?
It is pungent, and difficult. Asafoetida raw tastes like pineapple, onion, and smelly feet. It’s also known as Devik’s dung for its strong smell.
Are there different forms of asafoetida and do they taste different?
Asafoetida is commonly sold in powdered form and normally contains wheat starch. Asafoetida resin is more difficult to find, and is used by dissolving a small amount in water that is then added to food. The resin form has a slightly softer taste that is a little prettier in food.