Indian ayurvedic tradition with sattvic spices teaches an approach to wellness that is balanced, and gentle. Food as medicine is an important part of regional Indian cultural traditions. Discover how you can use sattvic spices in your cooking to find good health in your everyday.
What are sattvic spices?
Sattvic spices are spices that are said to have sattvic qualities—sattva is an energy spoken of in traditional Indian ayurvedic medicine that stands for harmony, balance, and wellness. Sattvic spices include ghee, coriander, cumin seed, sesame seed, turmeric, ginger, and nutmeg among many others.
What sattvic spices are best for health?
All sattvic spices are good to use on a daily basis in order to maintain a balanced body, spirit, and mind. Which ones you use in your daily diet depends upon taste preferences. Think about making scrambled eggs with turmeric powder, stirring ginger powder through porridge, or sprinkling sesame seeds onto salads with salt and pepper.
Are sattvic spices the best?
Sattvic spices are the best to use when seeking a quieter and consistent healthy energy that can be maintained over time. Sattvic spices can also be used in conjunction with other more heating or cooling spices to moderate their effects on our body systems.
Are rajasic and tamasic spices bad?
No. Nothing is all bad. Rajasic spices are energetic and heating or inflammatory. Tamasic spice are dulling and cold or dampening. In both cases inclusion of some of these aromatics can be helpful. Sometimes we need to be energised. Sometimes we need to be calmed down. The real art of masala is in learning how to marry all spices in order to be well everyday. Learn more about the art of masala.