Discover tips on spices to use for nourishing sick bodies, and how to recognise what kinds of spices will make gentle food that’s perfect for making naturally healing recipes. Watch the video to see more about colours and textures for nourishing spices. For more written information, take a look at the answers to our frequently asked questions below.
Are some spices better for wellness?
Yes, is the short answer. Spices that are gentle on the system are the best to consume when ill or recovering from illness. These include spices like turmeric powder, ginger powder, cumin seed, and fats like ghee or coconut oil. Spices and fats that are nourishing, only mildly stimulating, and not too heating for the system.
What is the best spice to have when recovering from a cold?
Ginger powder is a wonderful spice to consume when in recovery from a cold. Think about pairing ginger powder with softly sweet vegetables–a homemade sweet potato or pumpkin soup subtly spiced with ginger powder and ghee can be a nourishing remedy.
Are there spices I shouldn’t have when I’m sick?
Yes, spices that have a lot of energy, heat, or drive are spices that are best left aside when sick or very tired or stressed. These types of spices drive metabolism, and can create excessive stimulation and heat in the body. Too much of these kinds of energies can wear out a body already struggling to find or to re-find balance.
What are sattvic spices?
Sattvic spices are spices that are said to help the body maintain its equilibrium. These are spices that are neither excessively stimulating, heating, cooling, or dulling. The sattvic concept stems from ayurveda, the traditional Indian system of medicine. Learn more here.