Ayurvedic tips on how to eat and why we eat were dispensed as liberally as katoris of dal in our home growing up. It’s the case for many Indian households - Ayurveda is the ancient Indian system of medicine and is moved into faith, food and family traditions. This video takes a little look at the way in which spice is used to facilitate digestion: there are a lot of fried and heavy snack foods across all of India, and using spice in the right way can help to ease the passage of these foods through the system. I think what I love most about these family Ayurvedic tips is that they allow a permissive system of eating that does have rules, but that also has inside tips and tricks that mean eating doesn’t need to be restrictive or rigid.
Fried foods are heavy on the digestive system, and the digestive system forms the core of the Ayurvedic health system. In order to have good health across all quarters, it’s important not to drive the digestive system too hard. Combining fried foods with digestive spices like ajwain, fennel seed and cumin seed help the body to better expend energy through the digestive process.
Understanding a little about how spice can help to facilitate eating means that diet regimes can be flexible - in some ways, Ayurveda was the first system of food combining, but in this case Ayurveda takes in your body constitution, the season and your geography alongside the types and effects of food.
Flexibility through eating is important and considered in Ayurvedic thought because the effects of stress (physical, emotional and spiritual) on the body are often more harmful than “wrong” consumptions. Rigidity in thought and action is to our detriment.
Learn more about why digestive health is so important to general health here.