Cinnamon and cassia are cousins but not twins as far as spices go, though common usage would have us believe otherwise: quite often cassia cinnamon is sold under the guise of “cinnamon” but larger spice companies. It is cheaper to harvest but has a different profile and aroma. If you are seeking a more refined outcome look for “True cinnamon” on the packaging. Cassia cinnamon is bolder, hotter and more round than cinnamon’s wooded and subtly sweet aromatic character. Learn more about their differences by reading the tips below.
Just like its quill, true cinnamon is tight, restrained, wooded and has a “tall” structure that the mouth experiences as a vertical aromatic component in the mid-palate.
Cassis cinnamon is bold, very round, warmer and immediately sweeter than true cinnamon.
In a masala, true cinnamon will work to create tightness and restraint among the other spices. Consider cinnamon in this regard. kind of corset, neatening up and refining the aromas of the spices it accompanies.
In a masala, cassia cinnamon emboldens the spice aromas which surround it. Cassia will draw forward recessed dark and pungent spices while lightening at the same time - making for a bolder and brighter end result.
Combining true cinnamon and cassia cinnamon in a masala or in a dish will reinforce the warming and nurturing quality in terms of emotional impact of a dish.
True cinnamon has a more impactful chemical structure than cassia cinnamon as far as spice for health goes - true cinnamon enables the increased uptake of the other spice and nutrient in any dish.