Having a well stocked pantry is one of the keys to being able to produce a meal without going to the supermarket and using what you have in the fridge. It’s one of the key ways to eliminate food waste in the kitchen. When we left home, Dad sent us all an email on the requirements for an Indian pantry. At the time I rolled my eyes. But this kind of kitchen wisdom is worth passing on.
Oils and fats are essential. I have a range of high heat frying oils (sunflower, rice bran, vegetable), high heat wok oils (peanut, canola), very fragrant moderately high temperature oils (mustard, olive oil), and softer textural fats (ghee, coconut oil).
Savoury sauces can bring umami and savoury texture to quick cooks. Asian sauces are great for this. Think soy sauce, oyster sauce, fish sauce, ketcap manis, and Worcestershire sauce.
Acidic liquids and sauces will tighten up dishes that have a lot of fat. A mix of classic vinegars (sherry, apple cider, champagne, red wine), and Japanese and Chinese sauces (mirin, rice wine vinegar, Shaoxing wine, sushi vinegar) will take you far.
Canned basics are vital. Tinned tomatoes. Coconut milk or cream. Canned legumes. Tomato paste.
Dried pulses, nuts, pastas, flours and rice. For very obvious reasons, these are staples of so many cultures and provide carbohydrate ballast to a quick cook up of bottom-drawer veg.