One of the biggest disappointments in cooking is spending all the time blending spice, tempering, and cooking produce only to find that the end result falls flat.
Rather than throwing out the whole dish, here are one or two quick fixes that can turn your meal from disaster to—if not quite delicious—definitely enjoyable.
Look here for more information on how to ascertain if your spices are up to scratch.
Adding a little ghee and seasoning (some basic salt, fine white pepper, a punch if fenugreek powder, and perhaps a sprinkle of sugar) that’s been heated at the end of a dish that is tasting tired from use of old spices can help to rescue the end result.
Fish sauce is a god send. A few dashes in a dish that is suffering from use of old and tired spices will fill in dark shadows, round out blunt flavours, and generally help to elevate the dish.